Author: Jenny Fabian
Year of publication: 1971, Corgi edition 1973
Back cover blurb: '"I think Jenny Fabian should be taken for what she is - a very clever girl who can actually write quite clever books about rather self-indulgent young people. I hope this book is very successful. I hope it shocks lots of people and sets the whole of the middle classes revolving in their tasteful graves."
Jilly Cooper
"Fabian's portraits are lightning silhouettes cut by a master with a very sharp pair of scissors... everything is captured accurately in the black comedic outline."
Time Out
"The new book is as revolting as the last one. I didn't get beyond the first three pages but that probably means it's bound to be a best-seller."
Over 21
"It permits a look into a world most of us don't know and feel secretly fascinated and horrified by. We enjoy, through Jenny, illicit pleasure we would not dare enjoy ourselves."
Liverpool Daily Post'
Quick flick reveals: Fabian is renowned for her first novel Groupie, a work that will always draw attention to itself as one of the characters is clearly based on Syd Barrett and offers a fictionalised, informed account of his breakdown. Less well known are Fabian's follow-up novels. I suspect this one might be a bit about taking drugs. And sex with rock stars.
Random paragraph: '"I can't stand chicks with smelly cunts", he continued, "too many chicks have smelly cunts. I like to go down on a chick, but I've got a very sensitive nose and can't stand the slightest odour. You'd be surprised how many chicks have smelly cunts."'
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